Tuesday, March 12, 2013


For the long Tsagaan Sar weekend a group of us went to experience the Mongolian winter in the countryside. Ayanchin Lodge is located in Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, about a 2-hour drive from Ulaanbaatar. We visited Terelj on our first weekend in Mongolia and were impressed with its beauty; it is just as beautiful, in different ways, during the winter. The daytime temperatures were in the minus 20s, with brilliant sunshine for the 3 days we were there. We were dressed for the weather and spent as much time outdoors as we could.

Ayanchin has a central lodge as well as several gers and a few cabins. All are winterized and comfortable but we chose to stay in the lodge as suiting up in the middle of the night for trips to the bathroom seemed less than appealing. Despite its size, Ayanchin looks diminished by the expanse of the geography that surrounds it. While out walking, this shot was taken from the west of Ayanchin.

From every window in the lodge and from outdoors in any direction one looked there was a magnificent - and different view.

Yes, that's a sled. And yes, we did go sledding. Judith wants to go back next year with cross-country skis.

Kathy, Dan, Judith and Mahmoud on the hill behind the lodge contemplating the view in every direction. Scott is behind the camera. Of course!